Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Human bones scattered in churchyard by rabbits

From the "You Can't Make This Stuff Up" department (Scotland)

AN ANGLICAN minister told of his horror yesterday after he discovered human bones scattered in the grounds of a historic Scottish monastery.

The Rev David Fox said he had been confronted by the "stuff of nightmares" when he visited the ancient graveyard at Kinloss Abbey near his home at Forres in Moray.

Scattered across the grass on the surface of the cemetery - once a Cistercian monastery - were pieces of skulls, arms, ribs and even teeth.

Rabbits are believed to have been responsible for the gruesome desecration of the graves, some dating back to the 1700s. The graveyard is one of four separate cemeteries in the vicinity of the ancient abbey, close to the air base at RAF Kinloss. There are also two municipal cemeteries and one military cemetery in the area.

Mr Fox, 37, who alerted Moray Council to his gruesome discovery, declared: "It's the stuff of nightmares. Dead servicemen have been buried here. Potentially, their bones could be strewn across the graveyard in years to come. It's horrific. This is not something that has happened overnight. The more I looked around, the more I saw.

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