Saturday, November 19, 2011

Church hosts African visitors

From California-

The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Corral de Tierra hosted the Rev. Emmanuel Bwatta and Zilpa Kisonzela from Tanzania and Jo Johnson, a student at California State University, Chico.

The three are part of a larger "Indaba" delegation. "Indaba" is a Zulu word that refers to gatherings whose purpose is to meet and address community problems, comparable to a town hall, only this hall is worldwide.

The Indaba Project is essentially a conversation among Anglican church members from three areas of the world where a multiplicity of issues contributes to divisiveness and misunderstanding. The issues include poverty, unequal resources, gender relations, technology and historical relations. It was begun in 2008 by Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves of El Camino Real (the local diocese); Bishop Sadock Makaya of Western Tanganyika, Tanzania; and Bishop Michael Parham of Gloucester, England.

More here-

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