Saturday, August 9, 2008

Three Rivers Episcopal will be taking a brief Sabbatical

On Sunday the 10th of August I leave for a week long short-term mission trip to Kentucky. We will be working with an excellent organization known as The Christian Appalachian Project. You can find out more about them here The work will be down near the West Virginia border in a very rural part of the country and I will not have high-speed access. So the Blog will be taking a week long break. When I return there will be some more original content from myself and (I hope) other conservatives who are staying in TEC. Look especially for the narrative, which describes how the twelve of us came to sign the controversial statement in January. That should be up next weekend.

I love this photo taken by Andy Starnes of the Post-Gazette. The little boy is 7 and named C.J.- he's attending a camp for disabled kids and their siblings. Talk about sheer summer joy!

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