Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Good Stuff in TEC: Georgia

Free course will let public ‘explore’ life of Jesus

What if you could go to a meeting where the theme was, “Everything you wanted to know about Jesus but were afraid to ask?”

Well, just such a meeting right here in what is often referred to as the “buckle of the Bilble belt” is scheduled. And now you can ask. No questions are considered out of bounds, said promoters of this project.

Starting Wednesday, Jan. 28, all those interested can examine the teachings of Jesus in the friendly, “ask anything” atmosphere of the ALPHA Course, being held at St. John’s Episcopal Church, located at 609 S. Main St.

The 10-week course begins at 6:30 p.m. with a Welcome Dinner where guests can make new friends as well as find answers to life’s big questions, says course promoters.


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