Friday, January 9, 2009

Man exhumed after being buried in wrong grave

Don't you hate it when this happens? From the London Telegraph-

The Rev Andrew Mannings, vicar of St Mary's Church, Wallasey, Merseyside, noticed that the coffin bore the wrong name and carried the emblem of a crucifix normally associated with Catholic funerals.

But his concerns were over-ruled when a funeral director said the deceased was known by two different names.

A short time later staff at Co-operative Funeralcare, where both bodies had been lying in a chapel of rest, realized Mr Mannings had been right all along.

They hurriedly arranged to transport the correct coffin to Frankby Cemetery. Its occupant was then interred without a service and with neither the vicar nor any relatives present.

The coffin buried by mistake was returned to the chapel of rest and the deceased cremated a few days later.

Wirral Council has since suspended one of its sextons pending an investigation, while the Co-Op is also speaking to its staff about the incident on December 12.

Mr Mannings was unavailable for comment. However, a spokesman for the Chester diocese said: "The Rev Mannings noticed that the coffin brought to the funeral was not the usual type for the burial of an Anglican because it featured a crucifix.

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