Thursday, February 5, 2009

Anglicans key to interfaith bridge-building efforts in Egypt, Episcopal mission partner says

From Episcopal News Service-

Anglicans in Egypt are vital for bridge-building between Christians and Muslims, says the Rev. Paul-Gordon Chandler, an Episcopal Church mission partner who has spent the last five years as priest of a suburban church in Cairo.

"Anglicans in this part of the world have a disproportionate influence, which is a real catalyst for building" friendships and understanding between Christians and Muslims, said Chandler, 44, who explained that after the terrorist attacks in the U.S. on September 11, 2001, he sensed a growing divide between East and West.

Chandler saw an opportunity to do creative things at St. John's Church in Maadi, a community he describes as theologically and liturgically broad. Under his leadership since 2003, the church's three priorities have centered on Muslim/Christian relations, community development, and faith and the arts.

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