Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Kuma Laid to Rest

Today has been a sad one for our family. Our dog Kuma, who we think was 18 years old, had to be put down. He had become extremely arthritic and was going into congestive heart failure.

Even though it’s a very gentle process its still difficult.

Kuma (which means "bear" in some Native American dialect) came to live with us seven years ago from the Ligonier Camp and Conference Center where he was the "camp dog". They were more than glad to have us bury him there which I did this afternoon. Many thanks to Jim, Larry, and Bill who helped me do the job of filling in a hole (graciously dug by a backhoe operator) which was easily five times bigger than necessary.

The picture is of Kuma in better days.


  1. Sorry to hear that, Jim+, but rest assured that he will be welcomed with open paws by Grendel and Laika and J and Izzy and all the good dogs we've been separated from for now...

  2. You are in my thoughts and prayers Jim. I know how difficult it is.

  3. Never easy to lose a pet. We tend to give them more of ourselves than we do to other humans. Prayers for peace for those left behind. As +Clumber said, he has some new Piskiedog friends who have already made him feel at home while he waits for his two-legged buddies.
