Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cleric’s wife sues for support

From South Africa-

The man who filled Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu’s shoes as South Africa’s Anglican archbishop is being sued for maintenance by his wife of 22 years.

Two years ago, Archbishop Njongonkulu Ndungane announced to his family that he would be resigning from the church and would be going on a 10-day retreat in Polokwane, Limpopo, to “meditate”. But the clergyman never returned.

Now his estranged wife, Nomahlubi Vokwana-Ndungane, who had kept her husband’s disappearance “in the family”, has turned to the courts in a desperate bid to force him to support her financially. The shocking allegations surfaced this week when the couple was called to the Family Court in Cape Town for mediation.

The archbishop, who heads the Historic Schools Restoration Project since removing his mitre , did not attend the hearing. Instead, he sent a lawyer to ask for a postponement.
In an exclusive interview, his 69-year-old wife told the Sunday Times that she could barely support herself. Holding back tears, she said in the past two years her only source of news about her husband was the media. She said they had only met once during this period, when she had swallowed her pride to ask for assistance “on something”.

More here-

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