Thursday, September 24, 2009

Anglican Bishops to invite thousands of GTA commuters 'Back to Church'

From Canada-

On the morning of Thursday, September 24th, three Bishops from the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, dressed in their ecclesiastical vestments and mitres, will be outside the city's Union Station, inviting thousands of commuters 'Back to Church'.

The outreach is part of an international Christian initiative, which has designated Sunday, September 27th as 'Back to Church' Sunday. On that day, thousands of Anglicans and other Christians throughout the world will be accompanying their friends and relatives back to church.

"We are delighted that our diocese will be joining many others in celebrating Back to Church Sunday," says the Bishop of Toronto, Colin Johnson. "My colleagues and I are looking forward to greeting commuters and letting them know that they will be warmly welcomed at the Anglican Church in their community, on this Sunday or on any other. We want to encourage everyone to visit their place of worship this weekend."

The Bishops will be handing out a simple invitation to all who will accept one. It reads:

More here-

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