Thursday, March 4, 2010

Bishop: Aid helping to rebuild Sudan

From The Diocese of Bethlehem-

Episcopalian Bishop Anthony Poggo of Sudan says the Third World country in northeastern Africa has made progress since the civil war ended a few years ago.
Poggo, who visited St. Stephen’s Episcopal Pro-Cathedral, spoke Tuesday evening about the peace accord and the progress being made by the Diocese of Bethlehem to build new schools in his country.

The Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem has raised $3 million to build a college and five primary schools in Sudan.
“We’re starting from zero,” Poggo said. “This is a region where we have been fighting for over 30 years. The entire infrastructure has collapsed.”

Roads, schools and basic resources have had to be rebuilt from scratch since the war ended in 2005, the bishop said.
A college, library and dormitories have also been built in the new Sudan. Poggo, who last spoke in 2007 at St. Stephen’s and other churches in the diocese, said the people in Kajo Keji are appreciative of the support. “It’s giving us hope in a situation of hopelessness,” he said.

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