Thursday, July 1, 2010

Woman "priest" appointed chaplain to Britain's House of Commons

From Spero news-

An Anglican woman has been appointed as the new Speaker’s Chaplain in the House of Commons.

Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin, 49, is currently Anglican Vicar of the United Benefice of Holy Trinity with St Philip, Dalston, and All Saints, Haggerston, in east London.

She will combine this role with the position of Speaker’s Chaplain and as a "Priest Vicar at Westminster Abbey," according to a release from the House of Commons. Her appointment will begin in September following the retirement of the Rev Robert Wright after 12 years in the role.

Rev Hudson-Wilkin was born and grew up in Montego Bay, Jamaica. Commissioned a Church Army Officer in 1982, her theological training took place on the West Midlands Ministerial Training Course at Queens Theological College in England.

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