Sunday, September 19, 2010

New bishop picked for Episcopal diocese

From Springfield-

The Rev. Daniel H. Martins was chosen as the 11th bishop-elect of the Springfield Episcopal Diocese after the third ballot Saturday.

Martins received 38 clergy and 42 laity ballots in the third round of voting, needing 25 and 38 in each respective category to be bishop-elect. However, the process is far from finalized.

“There is a process, which is in our constitution and canon, that he now goes through the consent process,” said the Rev. Christopher Ashmore, rector of Trinity Church in Jacksonville.

The process calls for a majority of U.S. bishops and Standing Committees to consent to the vote during a 120-day period following Martins’ election, Ashmore said.

Martins may have difficulty getting consent if he sticks with his conservative views on same-sex unions and gay clergy.

Ashmore said there was an overarching feeling of doing God’s work within the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, 815 S. Second St., where the election took place.

More here-

election results are here-

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