Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nigeria: Cleric Laments Insecurity in South East

From All Africa-

Anglican Bishop of Egbu Diocese, near Owerri, Prof. Emmanuel Iheagwam, has expressed worry over the high rate of insecurity in the South East particularly the spate of kidnapping and violence, describing it as an embarrassment to Ndigbo.

Addressing Anglican faithful most of them priests, the laity, and the women's guide at the church third session of the fifth Synod at the Umualum, Nekede, near Owerri on Monday, Iheagwam lamented that the perpetrators of the crime have no limits as they now abduct priests in sacred/hallowed institutions like in church, doctors in their theatres and so on.

Though, he expressed happiness that the crime has reduced drastically recently in the zone, the bishop warned some of the fleeing criminals to repent and confess their sins and turn to God before God's judgment befalls them.

On the fate of the universities in the South East which doors have remained closed for four months, the cleric bemoaned their continued closure and challenged the governors in the zone to meet the demands of the striking lecturers to enable the students go back to their studies.

More here-

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