Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bishop's sacking revoked

More from Australia-

THE Anglican diocese of Ballarat is still in turmoil, with Melbourne Archbishop Philip Freier writing to all clergy to revoke the sacking of the vicar-general and criticising the retiring Bishop of Ballarat.

Bishop Michael Hough, in his final act before resigning as part of a settlement over bullying complaints, sacked Melbourne Bishop Philip Huggins as vicar-general and replaced him with staunch supporter Arthur Savage.

Bishop Hough returned to work on Saturday after six months of leave to lead a farewell service in the cathedral, during which he dramatically used a hammer to smash a pot made for him by a local artist. On Monday - his last day - an email was sent to all clergy at 10.30pm, telling them that Bishop Huggins had been replaced by Father Savage and making several other appointments. On Tuesday evening, Archbishop Freier, as Metropolitan of Victoria, wrote to all clergy saying that he doubted whether Bishop Hough's actions were legal.

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