Tuesday, December 28, 2010

HuffPost Religion's 10 Most Influential People Of 2010

From Huffington Post-

2010 Lists, Christopher Hitchens, Christopher Senyonjo, Daisy Khan, Dalai Lama, Elena Kagan, Feisal Abdul Rauf, Glenn Beck, Karen Armstrong, Patriarch Bartholomew Of Constantinople, Pope Benedict XVI, Religion News 2010, Sister Carol Keehan, Slidepollajax,

Religion News

Religion is by definition a communal endeavor. Yet there are always individuals who by conviction, action or fate are placed in a position to influence our beliefs and our collective lives. At HuffPost Religion we have been following the people in this list for the last year and recognize their extraordinary influence in America and around the world.

First on our list was Daisy Khan and Feisal Rauf, whose proposed Islamic Center Park51 reminded us of the still open wounds of 9/11; and became a lightning rod for a debate on Islam, religious liberty and the value of pluralism.

To those with great influence, comes great responsibility. We hope that all who hold influence within religion will exercise it with inspiration, moderation and concern for the common good.

More here-


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