Friday, March 25, 2011

Church on standby to deliver relief to Japan’s stricken areas

From The Church Times-

THE Archbishop of the Anglican Church in Japan, the Most Revd Nathaniel Makoto Uematsu, has told of the frustration of not being able to reach areas devastated by the massive earthquake and tsunami that hit the country two weeks ago.

In a statement released through the Anglican Communion Office, Arch bishop Uematsu said that despite the Japanese people’s being accustomed to earthquakes and tsunamis, “no one could have imagined” the massive scale of the recent disaster.

On Wednesday, the number of dead had risen to more than 9000. More than 14,700 people are missing. About 300,000 remain in evacuation centres or temporary housing.

The Archbishop said that the problems at the Fukushima nuclear power station meant that people were discovering levels of radiation in milk and vegetables available in the locality, and that “everybody is therefore concerned about the further spread of the radiation”.

He explained that because of such huge damage to basic infrastructure, the Church was unable to deliver relief to the affected areas, as only officials such as doctors and fire fighters were allowed to enter those regions.

More here-

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