Tuesday, April 12, 2011

First Anglican Alliance consultative conference opens, new mapping tools and logo launched

From ACNS-

Delegates from throughout Africa and from all other regions of the world opened the first consultative conference for the Anglican Alliance in Nairobi yesterday (Monday 11 April)

Co-hosting the consultation five-day conference with the Alliance, the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA) set out its blueprint for organisation of the church, and its strategy for development, focusing especially on economic empowerment, education and HIV and Aids.
For south east Asia, Ms Elijah Fung from St Johns Cathedral of Hong Kong, set out the development of her region, and her own work on HIV and Aids, focussing especially on services for migrant workers.

Fr Alejandro Manzoni of Promocion Humana, the Anglican development agency in Uruguay spoke of the need to get some regional co-ordination to meet the challenges of the region, which were around exploitation of the environment, and increasing inequalities, despite the economic growth.

His regional colleague Cole Frantz from Haiti described some of the natural disasters which had beset Haiti, culminating in the earthquake. He will be making a presentation on the recovery from the earthquake at a session on emergency relief on Friday. And George Kiriau, from the Solomon Islands, said in his region of the Pacific, the challenge facing small island states was above all to tackle climate change and prevent the wholesale loss of islands to rising sea levels. The Alliance provides the small islands with new hope to tackle some of their major problems resulting from climate change.

Presenting the work of two Anglican development agencies were Alison Taylor of AngliCORD, from Australia, and Adele Finney of the Primates World Relief and Development Fund in Canada.

More here-


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