Friday, April 1, 2011

Unforgettable Bob Feller is a baseball legend and an American hero

From Cleveland-

The eve of Opening Day on Thursday was cold, with snow coating the ground and frosting the limbs of the trees outside St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Cleveland Heights. Soon, men in overcoats and women bundled against the elements would go inside.

The organist would play, at first slowly, like a dirge, and then with a joyous finishing peal of thunder, "Take Me Out to the Ballgame," as the memorial service for Bob Feller began.

The strains of "The Star-Spangled Banner" would also fill the church soon for Feller was about patriotism as much as baseball.

Near the end of the one-hour, 20-minute service, upon the presentation to Feller's widow Anne of a flag from the USS Alabama, on which he served during World War II, taps was played.

More here-

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