Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Episcopal and European churches seek to fortify ecumenical bonds

From The Christian Century-

Two Christian denominations in Europe -- one in full communion with the Episcopal Church and the other exploring the potential for such a relationship -- welcomed Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori for key talks and a keynote address.

Following a three-day visit to the (Lutheran) Church of Sweden, with which the Episcopal Church is hoping to formalize a full-communion partnership, Jefferts Schori traveled to Utrecht in the Netherlands to deliver the annual Quasimodo Lecture, hosted by the Old Catholic Church, Episcopal News Service reports.

The Episcopal Church entered into full communion with the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht on the basis of the Bonn Agreement in 1934. The Old Catholic Church consists of several national churches in Europe -- located in the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Poland -- that could not accept the definition of papal infallibility presented by the first Vatican Council in 1870.

Archbishop Joris Vercammen of the Old Catholic Church told ENS that cooperation between his church, the Episcopal Church and the Church of England -- all of which have a presence in Europe -- is "essential for contributing to the gospel" on the continent.

More here-


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