Saturday, May 14, 2011

Episcopal members to join in walk to know their neighbors

From Idaho-

Jesus taught, “love thy neighbour as thyself.”

In an effort to better know who their neighbors are, members of the Episcopal Church of the Ascension will host a neighborhood walk around the church on Tuesday.

“We’re doing this as part of our strategic planning in terms of who are our neighbors,” said Pastor Deb Seles.

She hopes that members will reach out and talk to people they might meet on their walk.
“At the beginning of Lent, when we held our pancake supper, we went and put door hangers at the apartments near the church, inviting people to the supper,” Seles said. “I don’t think we’ve done as much in the way of outreach at those apartments.”

Nor in some of the other neighborhoods near the church, she said.

When members meet Tuesday at the church, they’ll be assigned different routes in a one-mile radius. Members, whom Seles said should invite a friend to join them on the walk, are to be observant as to what they see and who they meet.

More here-

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