Friday, July 22, 2011

Video: This young rapping priest is ‘fightin’ the beast’

O Canada !

Kyle Wagner plays video games and listens to Tupac. He is amped to buy a motorcycle once his student loans are paid off. He wears dark shades and a shirt with a popped collar, but not the preppy frat-boy kind.

The 28-year-old is an ordained Anglican clergyman and an honest-to-God rap sensation.

That makes him the rappin’ Reverend Wagner, a pastor who busts rhymes to connect with the kids and have a little fun with religion.

“I’m a young priest who is fightin’ the beast,” he raps to a group of people lined up in church pews in a music video posted on YouTube (embedded below). “And I wantcha to know that my church is fly.”

More here-

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