Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Former judge and her husband become ordained priests at Pleasant Lake church

From Michigan-

Susan Vandercook has had to scrap one of the skills she honed over many years — judging others.

As a newly ordained Episcopal priest, judging people is frowned upon. Even her Facebook attorney “friends” haven’t touched this one with the proverbial 10-foot pole.

“I’ve heard the jokes, and I’ve even preached a sermon on judging others,” said Vandercook, who retired in 2006 as a Jackson County probate judge.

She and her husband, Ross, a retired elementary school principal, were ordained as priests July 2 and are co-rectors at Christ Episcopal Church in Pleasant Lake.

They have presided at funerals and on Aug. 20 will officiate at their first wedding. But more important, the Vandercooks — some believe — might have saved their small church from closing.

More here-

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