Thursday, September 29, 2011

Churches turning to the Web to reach faithful

From California-

The Rev. Randall Day is a believer in the power of social media.
His revelation came on Christmas 2009. He needed to get word out to his church's 400-member congregation about the upcoming service at St. Marks-in-the-Valley Episcopal Church in Los Olivos.
Fliers went out. Postcards. Emails.

The easiest and cheapest item to produce got his congregation's attention.

"It's just a tool," said Day, 56, about Facebook. "It's not scary. You just go with it."

Religious leaders across Santa Barbara County have put social media to use in fostering community in their congregation, spreading faith, and updating their membership. But they walk a careful line, without clear-cut guidelines from high in their ranks, in deciding how to use the medium.

Social media have the attention of churches.

At seminaries and conferences, he hears about ways the church can put social media to use.
"It's not so much don't-do-this and don't-do-that," Day said. "There's a lot of emphasis on getting you up to speed if you are not already."

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