Monday, September 19, 2011

Former Archbishop of Canterbury to visit Nashotah House

From Milwaukee-

The former Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. George Leonard Carey, will visit the Episcopal Nashotah House Theological Seminary this fall, speaking at its convocation Oct. 28 and the installation service of its new dean and president, the Rev. Edward Salmon, on Oct. 27.

Carey served as the spiritual leader of the world's 70 million Anglicans from 1991 to 2002. Described by Nashotah House as a "faithful teacher and spirited defender of Biblical and orthodox Christianity," Carey was known for his emphases on evangelism and interfaith efforts. But he was also considered controversial by many. He oversaw the church's transition to allowing women priests and managed the dissent that followed, has spoken out against the ordination of openly gay and lesbian priests and in support of immigration limits in England.

Nashotah House is one of 11 Episcopal seminaries in the country. More information about the school is available at

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