Friday, September 30, 2011

Local pastor placed on leave

From Maine-

The Rev. Jacob Fles of Christ Episcopal Church is on administrative leave while the Episcopal Diocese of Maine investigates allegations of misconduct.

In a Sept. 22 letter to "The People of Christ Church," Bishop Stephen Lane said the leave will continue until proceedings by the diocese "under our disciplinary canons have reached a final resolution or accord."

Under the conditions of the administrative leave, Fles will be paid, but he may not function in any capacity as rector of Christ Church or as a priest of the Episcopal Church, and neither Fles nor any member of his family may have any contact or attempt to influence the statements of anyone who may have made allegations against him.

Lane said the complaint alleges "specific instances of conduct, which, if true, would constitute one or more offenses under the church's disciplinary canons."

"I have placed the Rev. Mr. Fles on administrative leave for the health and well-being of the persons involved, including the rector and his family," Lane wrote. "Under our canons, all persons are considered innocent until the evidence demonstrates otherwise."

Fles is not facing criminal charges, according to Gardiner police.

More here-

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