Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Cardinal Wuerl: Why hope springs anew for the Church

From Scotland-

SCO editor LIZ LEYDON, discovered US Cardinal Donald Wuerl’s Scottish connection, and a great deal more on New Evangelisation, Liturgy, religious liberty and the US ordinariate, when she caught up with the Archbishop of Washington DC during his visit to recent Scotland

The arrival of late Indian summer sunshine in Stirling provided Cardinal Donald Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington DC, with the ideal backdrop to talk about ‘the new Spring, the new birth,’ for the Church that New Evangelisation is heralding.

“I think this is a whole new moment in the life of the Church,” Cardinal Wuerl said. “There is a generation coming along that realises there is something missing, that the secular and the material cannot answer every question. And so this is our time to tell them all over again about Jesus.”

After two informal and enlightening sessions with the National Conference of Priests and Permanent Deacons of Scotland on September 28, Cardinal Wuerl, 70, agreed to expand on the topic—and on several related areas—for the SCO.

Early career

Cardinal Wuerl was ordained a priest for Pittsburgh on December 17, 1966. Because the then Cardinal Wright of Pittsburgh had to use a wheelchair due to his severe arthritis in 1978, Fr Wuerl, as Cardinal Wright’s secretary, was one of three non-cardinals permitted inside the conclave that chose Karol Wojtyla as Pope John Paul II, the Pope who went on to call for New Evangelisation in countries where Catholicism was showing signs of decline.

More here-

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