Monday, October 10, 2011

Roseville prayer shawl ministry knits threads of hope

From California-

Four years ago, when they started, some of the women had no idea how to knit. Jenny Newcomb had never picked up knitting needles and the first shawl she made was a mess. The second was better, and soon she figured it out, stitch by stitch.

Newcomb had to learn. She had given her word.

What started as a promise to a beloved friend at St. John's Episcopal Church in Roseville is now a powerful ministry that has spread to other churches across the country.

The shawls, each handmade, are given to the sick and to their caregivers. They are beautiful. But what makes them special, and why people from all over request the colorful shawls, is this: Every recipient is prayed for daily by the women of Noël's Prayer Shawl Ministry.

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