Saturday, November 12, 2011

Next bishop of Washington Episcopal Diocese hopes to strengthen church’s voice

From The Washington Post-

Mariann Budde, who on Saturday will become the first woman installed as Washington’s top bishop, spoke with The Washington Post’s Michelle Boorstein this week:

Q: What’s the framework for an outsider understanding your election and what it says about the Episcopal Church in 2011?

A: I’d start by talking about the renewing and rebuilding of the core structures of mainline religion. . . . These are potential channels for people in this country to connect to transcendence and the spiritual basis of life we call God . . . in a way that our forebears, and certainly the generations just before us, took for granted and assumed would always be there . . .

I was elected because I’ve spent most of my time in one context: a church that needed to be rebuilt . . . What do you keep? What do you throw away? Those are really challenging questions.

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