Friday, February 10, 2012

Church of England Refuses to Cater to Traditionalists Over Women Bishops

From The Trumpet (England)

A compromise that would have allowed Anglicans opposed to women bishops to live under an alternative male bishop was rejected by the Church of England’s General Synod on February 8—a move that could push traditionalist Anglicans toward the Roman Catholic Church.

Legislation allowing female bishops in Britain will probably be passed by 2014. They’ve already been ordained in the Anglican Church around the world.

The proposal was originally put forward by the archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, and the archbishop of York, John Sentamu, the two most senior archbishops, but it was rejected in July 2010. This time, the synod rejected most of the proposal, allowing for an amendment that would allow the bishops to fine tune the legislation further.

A final vote on the legislation will be held in July. It must be approved by two thirds of the bishops in the synod and the clergy before going to Parliament for approval.

Simon Killwick, leader of the Catholic group in the General Synod, told the bbc: “If nothing is changed between now and July then it will be a train crash, whichever way the vote goes.”

More here-

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