Thursday, March 15, 2012

Venerable Dr. Torto confirmed as new Anglican Bishop-Elect of Accra

From Ghana-

The House of Bishops of the Church of the Province of West Africa (CPWA) has confirmed the election held on Saturday, January 21 at Ashalley Botwe in Accra of the Venerable Dr Daniel Sylvanus Mensah Torto, Archdeacon of the Accra-East Archdeaconry and the Diocesan Director of Programme as new Bishop-elect of the Anglican Diocese of Accra.

This was contained in a press release issued from the Accra Diocesan Secretariat and signed by the Rev’d Fr. S. O. M. Codjoe-Addy, Diocesan Communications Coordinator.

By the confirmation, the Ven. Dr. Torto, 53 years, will be consecrated as Bishop in Accra on June 24, this year and would have the right of succession to the incumbent Anglican Bishop of Accra when the Most Rev’d Dr Justice Ofei Akrofi retires on October 29 this year.

Until the Most Rev’d Akrofi retires in October, at age 70, in accordance with the Provincial Constitution, he would continue performing his ecclesiastical duties in the Diocese. The Most Rev’d Akrofi will assign to the new Bishop after the consecration duties to perform when necessary.

More here-

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