Monday, November 26, 2012

Dear Rob Bell, the Episcopal Church Welcomes You

From Patheos-

Not long ago I was on a road trip, travelling winding highways that passed through endless small towns.  In many of these towns there was a sign, small but visible, with a shield, a cross, and the words: “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You.”  These signs would lead to a church with an open red door—a church that is a part of a tradition that  from the reformation until now has sought to be a middle way, guided by the three fold mix of reason, tradition, and scripture.

I thought of those signs as I read James Wellman’s Rob Bell and a New American Christianity.  The book is a fascinating picture of one of the most complex figures in American religious life—a man who has been loved and hated within both Evangelical and Mainline Christianity.  Wellman is a scholar of religion and he approaches Rob Bell as such—this is a book about a man and his impact on religious life that should be of interest to anyone who wants to understand American culture.  But it is also a deeply personal book that is at times touching.  There is no academic language here—only the clear and fascinating portrait of a charismatic leader.

More here-

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