Friday, December 7, 2012

July might be too soon to return to fray, bishops warn

From The Church Times-

CAMPAIGNERS who want to see a fresh Measure to admit women to the episcopate at the General Synod next July may be disappointed, two bishops have suggested.

On Wednesday of last week, the Archbishops' Council stated that the women-bishops issue should be resolved "as a matter of urgency" ( News, 30 November). It urged the House of Bishops at its meeting next week to "put in place a clear process for discussions in the New Year, with a view to bringing legislative proposals before Synod in July".

On Tuesday, however, the Bishop of Dover, the Rt Revd Trevor Willmott, suggested that the House "ought to be able to share with people a process" at the Synod in July. "That will lead in due course to fresh legislative proposals."

More here-,-bishops-warn

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