Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wanted — a church building to put on a flatbed, haul to Omaha's tri-faith campus

From Nebraska-

A bishop is looking for a church?

That wouldn't seem to be a problem. This particular bishop, after all, oversees 53 of them.

But Bishop J. Scott Barker of the Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska isn't looking for one he could visit. Instead, he'd like to physically acquire a “prairie church,” put it on a flatbed truck and, God willing, move it to Omaha.

“We're turning to the hope that there's a congregation out there with a church that's been cared for but needs a new lease on life,” Barker said. “Let us come in, scoop it up and spirit it away.”

If the spirit is behind the idea and logistics work out, he hopes that a church could be moved to the site of Omaha's unique tri-faith campus — the only place where Jewish, Islamic and Christian congregations are intentionally planning to build houses of worship in the same place.

More here-

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