Monday, February 4, 2013

Habitat trip to El Salvador builds more than homes

From Central New York-

"Anybody can volunteer. The first trip I went on had people from the age of 18 to 75. Male or female, no construction experience is necessary. (I'm looking for) someone who is eager to learn about another country and to be involved, and willing to get their hands dirty," he said.

The experience will involve working to construct a three-room 450 square-foot house, with the future homeowner working alongside the volunteers. But the mission trip won't be all work. The week includes experiences to foster cultural learning of the nation's different aspects, such as a day at a beach resort and a potential trip to a coffee plantation.

A bilingual host assists the team to remove the language barrier.

Coerper serves as a worksite coordinator in Syracuse, and trained as a global village trip leader. He joined similar trips to Dominican Republic before moving to Skaneateles nearly three years ago, and had hoped to set up a similar mission. That didn't pan out, so he took advantage of strong connections between the community and El Salvador to establish one in the densely populated nation.

The Episcopal Diocese of Central New York supported the concept and worked with the other diocese to make it happen.

More here-

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