Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pastor Bakare Blasts CAN Over Attack On El-Rufai

From Nigeria-

Activist pastor, Tunde Bakare, has hit back at the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) for its attack on former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory, Nasir El-Rufai for re-tweeting a Jesus joke that sparked a huge controversy.

Speaking during the State of the Nation address at his church on Sunday, Mr. Bakare, a pastor of the Latter Rain Assembly, said CAN was "feeding on mass neurosis and widening the gap between people of different faiths in our country" by referring to the former minister as a bigot.

Mr Bakare, who sees nothing wrong in the tweet which he described as "figurative", said CAN by its selective attack on Mr. El-Rufai who is a Muslim, only confirms the accusation by the Catholic Church that CAN had become a tool in the hand of government.

"It is rather unfortunate that the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) that should bring understanding to the simple on matters like this has chosen to confirm its description by the Catholic Church as an arm of the government in power by fanning the propaganda of agents of the administration that Nasir El-Rufai is a "bigot" for a statement that did not originate from him and whose meaning should be clear to a non-mischievous person."

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