Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Anglican priest, wife fraud case in court

From The Telegraph-

Neither Rev. John Dinn, 54, nor his wife, Catherine Lynn Dinn, 51, were in provincial court today to hear fraud-related charges read against them, instead having a lawyer make the appearance on their behalf.

The Anglican priest — a rector at St. John Evangelist Church in Topsail — and his wife are facing criminal charges that they defrauded the Conception Bay South parish out of money.

It’s alleged in court documents that on or about Dec. 17 in 2012, Catherine Lynn Dinn knowingly made a false document —  a cheque — causing an employee of HSBC to act upon the cheque as if it were genuine thereby defrauding the parish out of an amount not exceeding $5,000.

Catherine Lynn Dinn is accused of two other such incidents — one on or around July 31, 2012 and another on or around Aug. 11, 2012 — whereby a cheque was knowingly forged and then presented to an employee of HSBC as though it were genuine, thereby defrauding the Parish of St. John the Evangelist out of an amount not exceeding $5,000 in each of these two cases, as well.

More here-,-wife-fraud-case-in-court/1

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