Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Christchurch votes to replace damaged cathedral with modern design

From New Zealand-

A controversial modern replacement for Christchurch’s ruined cathedral looks set to get the go-ahead after coming top in a public vote.

Three options were put out to consultation by the Anglican Church in New Zealand – reconstruction, a traditional design using modern materials and a totally new design by local practice Warren & Mahoney.

Nearly 4,000 people took part in the bitterly contested vote, with 51% supporting a contemporary cathedral – the option also favoured by church leaders.

Reconstruction of the earthquake-damaged building won 30% of the vote, while 14% preferred the traditional design.

“That is a pretty significant majority of people saying ‘don’t spend the money and time restoring the cathedral, consider something that takes us forward’,” said mayor Bob Parker.

“People who want to save the cathedral say they are going to fight this to the end of the earth. It is a great shame that as a city we will spend potentially years with a severely damaged building at the heart of our city. I can’t think of a worse symbol at this time of recovery.

More here-


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