Monday, May 13, 2013

UK church orders abuse inquiry

From Australia-

THE Church of England has ordered a formal independent investigation into the handling of child-sex allegations against a senior clergyman in Australia and Britain.

Archbishop of York John Sentamu at the weekend commissioned the high-level inquiry into the alleged child sex abuse in the 1960s and 80s by the late Reverend Robert Waddington, and the church's response to complaints over the past 15 years.

It comes as the head of Australia's Anglican Church, Archbishop Phillip Aspinall, flew to north Queensland to meet the region's bishop over the revelations, which centre on Waddington's stint as principal of St Barnabas boarding school at Ravenshoe, west of Cairns, and later as dean of Manchester.

The Anglican Church in Australia is widening its internal investigation into Waddington's behaviour to include Archbishop Aspinall's Brisbane diocese. The priest also worked at a school at Warwick, in southern Queensland, for three years from 1956, and later served as headmaster at St Barnabas from 1961 to 1970.

More here-

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