Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Archbishop of Canterbury visits Middle East to support Christians there

From Ecumenical News-

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has started a five-day visit to Egypt, Jordan, Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories at a time of intense pressure on Christian minorities in the Middle East.

The visit began Sunday and it is the spiritual leader of the 85-million strong Anglican Communion's is his first official visit to the region where Christianity began, but where Islam is now the dominant religion in a turbulent region.

"Archbishop Justin will meet with fellow Anglican bishops and other religious leaders, visit holy sites, and meet with a range of communities and leaders," said the Archbishop's website.

His visit comes at a time of growing concern by global church leaders at the situation facing Christians in the region, especially in Syria where abductions are commonplace and the death toll in the conflict is nearing 100,000.

"Archbishop Justin is making this trip early in his ministry because of the significance of the region, the importance of the relationships that his Office has there, and because he is keenly aware of the particular pressures on the region at the moment – not least the devastating conflict in Syria, and its impact more widely," the Archbishop's website said.

More here-


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