Monday, June 24, 2013

In the Spirit: Episcopal bishop's decision on same-sex ceremonies disappoints in Madison

From Wisconsin-

It was a decision bound to disappoint people either way, and the Rev. Steven Andrew Miller knew it.
Miller is bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee, an area that covers the southern third of Wisconsin, including Madison. Last summer, the national Episcopal Church voted to allow the blessing of same-sex unions, but it left it to individual bishops to decide whether to allow such ceremonies in their dioceses.

Miller, in a decision issued June 7, announced he would not be authorizing the rite. That means no same-sex blessing ceremonies can be held at the 58 Episcopal churches in the diocese, including the four in Madison.

Miller’s reasoning has been viewed as too conservative by some, too progressive by others.

On the progressive side, Miller wrote that the right to a civil marriage should be available to all, regardless of sexual orientation, and that he would support efforts to overturn the ban on same-sex marriage in Wisconsin. (He also has voiced concern in the past that authorizing the blessing rite could create a “second tier of relationships.”)

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