Thursday, August 8, 2013

'Good man' to lead his Anglicans

From Australia-

His 62 years might have made him a ''reluctant nominee'' but Sydney's next Anglican archbishop Glenn Davies says his is not a ''fuddy-duddy church''.

''We actually are a vibrant part of this community,'' said Dr Davis, elected to succeed Peter Jensen on Tuesday night. ''I think the challenges for the contemporary church are to allow people to realise that we actually have a message which is worth hearing.''

The Bishop of North Sydney and former maths teacher was ''overwhelmingly'' chosen to lead the diocese by the 800 members of its governing body, a process he described as an ''emotional roller-coaster'' after problems with the vote tallying forced a recount.

But Dr Davies said ''there was a real sense of unity in the synod'' when it reached the final decision. The only other candidate, Canon Rick Smith, the rector of Naremburn-Cammeray Anglican Church and Dr Davies' ''very good friend'', rose to speak in support of the final motion to have him elected.
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