Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Archbishop of Canterbury hears of Dubai model of co-existence

From Emirates-

At the General Assembly of the World Council of Churches (WCC) in Busan, South Korea, the Reverend Dr Ruwan Palapathwala spoke about the promises the UAE holds to the world to His Grace, the Most Reverend Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the leader of 80 million Anglican Christians across the world.

Dr Palapathwala, the Senior Chaplain of the Chaplaincy of Dubai, Sharjah with the Northern Emirates, was in attendance at the Assembly, which took place between October 30 and November 8.

The WCC is the largest global ecumenical body, represented by 345 member churches, with a membership of over 600 million Christians all over the world.

Representing the Anglican Christians in the UAE and the Middle East at this Assembly, Dr Palapathwala said that he is also attending the Assembly as a voluntary goodwill ambassador to the UAE to share with the 5,000 participants the good news story of the presence of the Christian church in the UAE, and the privilege and freedom to worship the Christians have been granted by the gracious Rulers of the UAE.

More here-

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