Wednesday, December 18, 2013

New Zealand Anglican Church Suffers a Significant Decline; Archbishop Responds to Census Report

From New Zealand-

The Anglican Church in Aotearoa/New Zealand has declined by 17 per cent over the past seven years, according to 2013 Census data on Religious Affiliation released on 10 Dec 2013 by Statistics New Zealand. NZ archbishop Philip Richardson responded in the press release, saying:

The 2013 New Zealand census on religious affiliation contains few surprises. Not even the decline in Anglican affiliation should catch us unawares.

These trends liberate us from notions of self-importance and turn us back to our fundamental calling.

They also situate our Church more on the margins of our society, where we really belong.

My immediate response, then, is thankfulness to God that we are being refined, called to repentance and to a refocusing of our mission. It's an exciting and challenging time to be in Christian leadership.

More here-

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