Friday, December 13, 2013

School children weep as vicar tells them Santa's not real and will turn them into ham

From The "You Can't Make This Stuff Up" Department-

Anglican Canon Simon Tatton-Brown also told a gruesome tale of the real Santa’s role in a plot to butcher kids and turn them into ham.

Furious parents at the school, have accused him of ruining their children’s Christmas.

And several have vowed to boycott a Christmas Carol concert at his church.

Linzi Merritt, whose son Levi, nine, attends the school in Chippenham, Wilts, said: “We wouldn’t just walk into the church during one of his services and tell everyone that Jesus isn’t real.”

Canon Tatton-Brown upset dozens of children at Charter Primary School when they were called in for assembly.

He said a pre-planned talk had to be scrapped because of technical difficulties and spoke about the festive season instead.

And he reduced youngsters to tears as he revealed that Santa was a fictional character based on the 4th Century St Nicholas.

More here-

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