Friday, January 3, 2014

Graduates provide year of service through Missouri program

From Missouri-

There's a happy buzz at Deaconess Anne House on a chilly December night. The sounds of jokes, laughter and good-natured teasing, along with the tempting odors of a savory dinner, fill the kitchen. The spirited talk continues around the big table and turns to Harry Potter: "What's your house?" asks one, and the others respond. There are, it appears, a disproportionate number of Ravenclaws.

They could be a group of graduate students, sharing a house off-campus, but most students aren't using the dining room as a chapel, dominated by a large icon of Christ Pantokrator. The seven recent college grads living in the house on Sullivan Avenue in Old North St. Louis are engaged in a year of service to others, living in "intentional community," and following a way of life based on the ancient Rule of St. Benedict, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports.

Three months into their fellowship year with the Episcopal Service Corps, they're comfortable together. At dinner, personalities emerge: Michaelene Miller, Anna Lacey and Jillian Smith tend to take the lead in conversation, while Stacey McKnight, Miranda Caulkins, Delilah Papke and Eric Bablinskas are less outspoken. Testing revealed that "there are only three mild extroverts in the group," said Miller, 22.

More here-

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