Saturday, February 8, 2014

Rock Hill minister wanted to be a nun; became Episcopal priest instead

From South Carolina-

Growing up, Janice Melbourne wanted to be a nun. Instead she became a priest.

Her lifelong journey of discovery began with her birth in Tehran, Iran, where her father was a U.S. foreign service officer. The journey now has come to Rock Hill, where the Rev. Janice Melbourne Chalaron is the rector at the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour.

Her journey of faith began in a “marginally Methodist” family that went to church twice a year, attending Catholic Mass in Helsinki, followed by a return to the Methodist church, then an introduction to the Episcopal church through her husband, Pierre Chalaron.

Along the way, there have been personal struggles as well as time spent with family and friends.

“God calls you into his path,” Rev. Chalaron said. “You are invited to explore with God, with people, with yourself. That’s how faith is shaped. It’s a gift.”

The latest companions on the journey are the parishioners at Our Saviour. She came to the church as interim pastor in March 2012. But she and the church leadership found a fit and recently decided to make her appointment permanent.

Read more here:

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