Monday, April 7, 2014

Assassins storm Anglican church in Ijebu-Ode, kill high chief

From Nigeria-

An Ijebu chief, Chief Tola Okuneye was shot dead during a church service in Ijebu Igbo, Ogun State, by suspected assassins on Sunday.

Dailypost gathered that the chief was shot dead by ten armed men who stormed St. John African Church, Oke Sopen around 11am while service was ongoing.

A member of the congregation who witnessed the attack said “The service was on when we noticed that some boys numbering about ten armed to teeth entered the church and headed straight to where Chief Okuneye was sitting and shot him on the head. It was the time our preacher was about to mount the pulpit. It was about 11.00a.m.”

More here-

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