Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Anglicans battle to clear Kunonga’s debt

From Zimbabwe-

The dethroned Anglican Church leader, who during his reign ran down church properties, left behind a huge bill that parishioners are struggling to settle.

Last Sunday, parishioners at the Anglican Cathedral were told to make contributions towards servicing the outstanding arrears.

“It was almost a $100 000 and we have now reduced it to about $80 000,” said Reverend Clifford Dzavo, secretary for Harare Diocese. “This includes properties only in direct control of the bishop. If we combine the whole arrears, it could run much higher.”

Chad Gandiya, the bishop of the Diocese of Harare, said they were trying to clear the bill.

“The lawyers have all the information above the exact amount that we are supposed to pay,” Gandiya said.

“But for now, we are paying the arrears in small amounts because since they (Kunonga faction) were using our name, we are supposed to pay. Legally, we are paying because they were using our name. However, with the current economic situation it is also difficult for us to make the payments.”

More here-

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