Thursday, June 26, 2014

Church Rethinks Development Plan; Legal Fight Ensues

From The New York Times-

Seven stained-glass windows more than a story high surround the apse of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church at the corner of Amsterdam Avenue and 99th Street in Manhattan. The panels, created a century ago by Louis Comfort Tiffany, depict in vivid hues the celestial triumph of the archangel for whom the 206-year-old church is named.

On the far side of the church sits an empty lot overgrown with weeds, the only color coming from clover, thistle, candy wrappers and three white plastic pilings jutting a foot out of the ground. Yet on this barren 5,000-square-foot site on the corner of 100th Street, the church is celebrating another victory, though a terrestrial one.

More here-

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