Friday, August 22, 2014

'Some are too traumatised to speak': Bishop pleads for South Sudan

From The Church Times-

WOMEN in South Sudan are crying "day and night, their children are dying at their hands", while their leaders put their personal interests first, a South Sudanese bishop said on Wednesday.

The Assistant Bishop of Juba, the Rt Revd Fraser Yugu, was one of eight senior clerics from South Sudan in the UK this week, under the aegis of the Barnabas Fund, to launch the United Christian Emergency Committee for South Sudan (UCEC), a cross-denominational group seeking to tackle the humanitarian and leadership crises.

An appeal from UCEC on Wednesday warned that: "Our future is being undermined as our children are being devastated." Its programme includes humanitarian relief, reconciliation, and the establishment of a college to train "responsible leaders".

More here-

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